01304 273908
 07952 514003


1st time passer
Simon built up my confidence and turned me into a safe and confident driver. His style of instruction is clear, supportive and instructive. Passed 1st time thanks to Simon!
Simon built up my confidence and turned me into a safe and confident driver. His style of instruction is clear, supportive and instructive. Passed 1st time thanks to Simon!

Naoise (SIDCUP)
I thought the test would drag, and was not really looking forward to it. However I needn´t have worried as the time flew by, no doubt helped by my instuctor´s insistence of focusing on the ...
Naoise (SIDCUP)

Today I passed my driving test first time with only one minor fault. I learnt a lot of useful tips on how to remember things when driving, obviously helped by Simon´s reassurance and confidence ...